pc stuff

  • Handheld For Roguelikes Is A Great Idea

    I had my PSP playing Angband for a few months, until my brother updated the firmware and I lost heart in the whole homebrew venture. If only there was a boutique manufacturer willing to build a handheld console dedicated to playing roguelike games such as Dwarf Fortress, ADOM and Nethack? Sadly, no such vendor exists,…

  • Turok PC Dated, Prepare For Dinos on May 29

    It’s set to arrive many, many months after its debut on consoles, but distributor Funtastic has confirmed a May 29 release date for the prehistoric/sci-fi shooter. Or knifer, if you happen to be my brother. I’m already quite keen to give Mass Effect another whirl when it hits PCs, because I firmly believe the platform…