pc stuff

  • Don’t Fret Over Guitar Hero 3

    While we wait patiently to strum the hell out of these beauties leaked last week, PC owners the country over can enjoy the flaming greatness of Frets on Fire. It’s an open source game (which means it’s free) based on Guitar Hero. Instead of a guitar controller however, you use F1-F5 as frets and the…

  • Friend Or Foe, Good or Bad?

    Recently, Activision held its annual Activate Asia event, this time up in the temperate loveliness of Cairns, Queensland. Activate is like a mini-E3, except there’s more sun and water, and less fanboys. Well, no fanboys. Among the many games the publisher displayed (which we’ll talk about soon), was Spider-Man: Friend or Foe. Now, I’m a…