Dunked Stranding

For some, it’s nice when the hype stays as hype.

Seeing the world unpack Death Stranding after its release has been fascinating, if only to see what different people get hung up on. For Dunkey, someone that came to prominence for their League of Legends content before branching out into humorous takes on all sorts of games, the mechanics and controls are the biggest problem.

The best of Dunkey — Breath of the Wild and Metal Gear Solid 5 are the perfect examples — is when he’s smashing emergent systems together, creating funny moments out of the chaos. Death Stranding isn’t built for that, and consequently, the game gets slaughtered.

There’s some slight spoilers towards the end in cut scenes and gameplay, although nothing that would especially ruin the biggest story beats.

I’m still trying to carve my way through the game. Family emergencies have a way of putting games on the backburner. But I’m totally on-board with a lot of the unskippable animations and cut-scenes. If I tell the game to skip a cut-scene, I want it to skip, not get four more prompts just to get to the bloody end.


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