As you’ve probably seen by now, Henry Cavill’s Geralt of Rivia will no longer be after Season 3 of Netflix’s The Witcher. Instead, the youngest (but not smallest) Hemsworth brother, Liam, will be taking the role of Gerald of River.
If you couldn’t tell based on the countless posts we’ve done about him being a huge freakin’ nerd, Kotaku has a bit of a soft spot for the big burly gamer man Henry Cavill. It’s common knowledge now that the man was not only a fan of the game series but also The Witcher books, and was adamant about more of the reading material being a point of reference for the TV series. Cavill definitely brought another side to the role.
That being said, Liam Hemsworth seems to be a fan of the series himself based on the statement released by Netflix, so it’s not as if they’re just getting Some Guy to take the role. However, many folks aren’t too happy to see a change in the leading man, so I went to my coworkers and asked, “What do you think Netflix should’ve done with The Witcher instead of recasting the role of Geralt?”.
Putting together my personal recommendations as well as theirs, here’s what we came up with.
Make Ciri the main character instead
Ciri, the adoptive daughter of Geralt and Yennefer, is a badass and I want to see more of her story play out. It would rock, and also roll.Geralt can simply just chill out and have some more baths.
Make Jaskier the main character instead
We love Jaskier, Geralt’s funny little bard bestie. Considering he’s probably the most relatable (and weirdly modern) character in the series, it would be fun to see the world from his perspective.
Bring Back Roach #1
Alright, this suggestion confused me a little but was also one of the funniest. As we know, Roach the horse died and then was reborn through Geralt getting another horse and also calling it Roach. That’s because Geralt names all his horses Roach. How about we just… Uh… Bring the first Roach back? Fuck it, why not?
Clone Henry Cavill
Consider this. The reason why Henry Cavill is leaving is because he’s gotta go be Superman. Wouldn’t a good alternative be to simply clone Henry Cavill, so he can play both roles? And hey, while we’re at it, how about make a few more clones that can do other stuff? What’s the worst that could happen? Historically in media, nothing has gone wrong from cloning.
Deepfake Henry Cavill
Technology is an exciting thing. These days, you can put any face on another face and make it do whatever. In saying that, Liam Hemsworth could be the body that holds and deepfaked Henry Cavill’s face. Sure, why not? It might even look a little fucked up, but that could potentially be very funny.
CGI Henry Cavill’s moustache in as Geralt of Rivia
Ever since the whole Henry Cavill moustache situation back in the day, Henry Cavill’s moustache has seemingly gone into hiding. I think it would be worth it to take the moustache, which was clearly a big enough deal for them to CGI it out of Justice League, and CGI it back into Season 4 of The Witcher.
Stream Let’s Plays of The Witcher 3 on Netflix
There are plenty of YouTubers and streamers who have made Let’s Plays of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. What if Netflix just streamed all of them, all the time and forever? Because, once again, why not? It’s a great game.
End it
If none of these options suffice, just end it. End the show. All done, bye bye. Everybody kiss and made up, and peace on Earth. It’s chill.
Honestly, there’s a chance that Liam Hemsworth might do a good job as Geralt of Rivia. Hell, he might even do a great job. At the end of the day, we’ll just have to wait and see. What do you think? Do you have any more suggestions?
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