Why Competitive Farming Simulator Is The Greatest Esport You’ve Never Heard Of

Why Competitive Farming Simulator Is The Greatest Esport You’ve Never Heard Of

Please watch the latest People Make Games documentary about Farming Simulator esports.

Yes, you read that right. Farming Simulator esports.

The latest documentary from YouTubers People Make Games is all about the European fascination with Farming Simulator League, the pro-level esports arm of the venerable agriculture sim franchise. Teams compete in an ad-hoc score attack with multipliers, harvesting grain and packing it into hay bales they can lob at barns for points. PMG’s Chris Bratt follows one team across Europe as they compete for a spot in the World Championship and a chance at winning €200,000.

This has long been one of the world’s strangest esports, and a product unique to the central European preference for efficiency. This is Farming Simulator, a staid, slow-paced, methodical game about the time-consuming day-to-day life of the working farmer, played at breakneck speed. Against all logic and reason, this is an extremely enjoyable spectator sport, and it’s why I’m so glad PMG has thrust it into the spotlight.

Bratt’s choice of team to follow proves miraculous as they go on to drive a combine harvester through their competition.

It’s fantastic stuff and, in a games media landscape increasingly dominated by SEO and algo chasing, ourselves included, I’m glad there are still outlets able to tell humanitarian stories about games like this. Bravo, People Make Games.

Image: GIANTS Software, Kotaku Australia

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