Alex Walker

Alex Walker is a former editor of Kotaku Australia and is known for his work covering video games, industry issues, technology and esports. He has written across ABC Technology & Games,, PC Powerplay, Techly and others. Alex broke into the industry as a specialist esports reporter and has been repeatedly nominated in the Australian IT Journalism awards for Best Gaming Journalist, Best Technical Journalist, Best News Journalist and Best Columnist. Alex has also been reporting on Australian esports since 2003, across Counter-Strike, Starcraft, Quake 3 and Call of Duty, even going as far as to have a stint as a sponsored player in Counter-Strike and Starcraft 2.

  • Outriders Is Janky As Hell And I Love It

    Outriders Is Janky As Hell And I Love It

    When you get down to it, there’s a ton of things about Outriders that could use a bit of polish. Every character is a complete arsehole. The game has a bizarre tendency to stutter. The writing ranges from cringey to real cringe. And yet, it’s still some of the most fun I’ve had all year.