bohemia interactive

  • What DayZ Players Say Before They Die

    What DayZ Players Say Before They Die

    Losing your character in DayZ can be really depressing sometimes, especially if you are fully geared. So playing smart and carefully choosing your last words can save your life. Here’s YouTuber Beeshke and his collection of footage of other players, trying to save their lives — without much success.

  • The Honest Guide To DayZ

    The Honest Guide To DayZ

    Forming squads, gearing up and taking down zombies. That’s what DayZ is all about, right? Well, not entirely. Falling off ladders, dying from rotten bananas and being chased by zombies that can walk through walls, while trying to find players nearby? That’s more like it!

  • High Fives In DayZ? Not Even Once

    High Fives In DayZ? Not Even Once

    These 40 seconds represent the very essence of the open world survival horror game DayZ. DayZ is a tough game, and YouTuber 1TimeGames was lucky enough not to get shot. But this is just hilarious. One big disappointing high-five.