
  • Some Great Cosplays From Evolve Perth

    I have to admit, as a Sydneysider I do live in a bit of an east coast bubble. But every time the folks over in Western Australia get their cosplay on, I’m forced to remember that that side of the country exists, and that there’s some damn talented people over there.

  • Post-Convention Blues Are Real

    The lifesaver of every convention: coffee. Image: Alex Walker/Kotaku I’m not at PAX anymore, and I am sad. I’m not at PAX for 362 days of the year, so what makes not being at PAX today a trigger for staring wistfully out the window, wishing it was a stage full of panelists talking about bad…

  • Melbourne Cosplayers Bring Their A-Game

    Animaga is a smaller convention in Melbourne that focuses on anime, manga and games — hence the name. If you’re not deep in the anime scene, or live outside of Melbourne then it may have just slipped under your radar. But where there’s a convention, there’s cosplayers, and Melbourne brought its A-game for Animaga.