
  • This Indie Game About Pools Keeps Freaking Me TF Out

    This Indie Game About Pools Keeps Freaking Me TF Out

    For a lot of people, indie game POOLS will lean into horror territory. While the walking simulator doesn’t have any monsters chasing you down, the liminal design of its environment is very capable of unsettling the player. Long, interconnected rooms of tiling and oddly-shaped bodies of water sloshing back and forth lead you to believe…

  • The Zelda Ghost Story That Helped Define Creepypasta

    The Zelda Ghost Story That Helped Define Creepypasta

    The back page of Alex Hall’s economics textbook was filled with scribbles. Diagrams, notes, story beats, a web that formed an outline for his next update. By day, Hall was a student at St. Louis University, but after class he was writing what would become one of the most infamous internet ghost stories: Ben Drowned,…