
  • Sunday Supplement: “In less than an hour I’d made my first game.”

    Welcome to your Sunday reservoir of interesting writing about video games. Grab your reading jacket, a cup of coffee and get ready to exercise the brain. GameSetWatch: Can Murder And Games Meaningfully Meet? Christian Nutt ponders how murder can carry weight as a narrative device when gaming’s body count is, well… countless. GameSetWatch: Can Games…

  • Sunday Supplement: “Can a videogame be like a poem?”

    After a short E3-related interlude, the Sunday Supplement returns with its usual dose of links to great videogame writing. Enjoy! Steven Poole: Poetry in motion? EDGE columnist Poole dispute’s the notion that Flower is a videogame poem, but still finds much merit in its focus and finesse. Groping The Elephant: From out of the shadows…

  • Sunday Supplement: “Videogames are wish fulfillment power fantasies”

    Today’s round-up of the best games writing takes in three very famous game designers, one bonkers beat ’em up and a critically marginalised genre. Gamasutra: Peter Molyneux: The Essence of Interaction Great interview that reveals much about how the mind of one of the industry’s most famous designers works. Designer Notes: Game Developer Column 5:…