Obligatory Strange tag

  • Community Kudos

    [imgclear] Today’s Community Kudos is being brought to you from the balls-shrinkingly cold city of Melbourne, in the lobby of ACMI in Federation Square, uploaded via its free wi-fi, and written on a laptop with ten minutes of battery left. Let’s see how this goes, shall we?

  • Community Kudos

    To be honest, I didn’t really plan on writing a Community Kudos post, but then as I began work mid-week I started to receive nominations, and felt it would be a massive injustice if these noms went undelivered. I don’t want to live in a world where noms lay dormant in my inbox, it is…

  • Community Kudos

    Hey guys, everyone is reading this over my shoulder. I was the last person to get ready for the IT Journo Awards tonight because it took me ages to get my contacts in! Argh! I have to leave in 10 minutes, so I’ll make this quick…