Nintendo Live 2024 Sydney Details Are Beginning To Emerge

Nintendo Live 2024 Sydney Details Are Beginning To Emerge

As we know, Nintendo Live, the company’s family-oriented live gaming exhibition, is coming to Sydney later this year.

The news was announced on Nintendo AU NZ’s social media profiles back in April, but now we know a little more about what to expect.

As previously reported, the show will fall on the weekend of 31 August-01 September (that’s a Saturday and Sunday) at Sydney’s International Convention Centre. Nintendo says the show will feature Nintendo Switch games, live stage events, photo ops and more.

Like previous Nintendo Live events, the Sydney show will involve a lottery for tickets. You can head over to the official site here to register your interest and go in the draw. The tickets are free — you won’t have to pay a cent to get in, and you don’t have to pay to go in the draw. This is the only way to get tickets to Nintendo Live. You can’t just rock up on the day and buy one at the door. If you want to go, you’ll need to enter the lottery. A final note: you’ll need a Nintendo Account to register your interest. You can sign up for one on the official site.

This is identical to other NL events. The first Nintendo Live show was held last year during PAX West. That show was interesting because, though it used the PAX West convention as its canvas, a PAX badge wouldn’t get you entry. Nintendo also handled ticketing at that original event via a lottery. Those whose names were drawn out of the lottery would be given a ticket for one of its event days.

Thanks to Kotaku Australia reader Astrogirl for flagging that Nintendo had updated its information!

Image: Nintendo

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