Would You Drive This Expensive Custom Halo Cybertruck?

Would You Drive This Expensive Custom Halo Cybertruck?

Someone’s wrapped a Tesla Cybertruck to look like a UNSC Warthog from the Halo series.

It’s … well, see for yourself. To be clear, the original poster of this image on Reddit is not the owner of the car, they just snapped a pic of it and posted for posterity.

Halo aside, the Cybertruck still looks like someone brought The Homer to life. It’s also plagued with problems. Reports of issues from owners pile up by the day and range in severity from Mildly Annoying to Genuinely Concerning and continue all the way up to the Holy Shit tier. It is rapidly coming to be considered a lemon by owners and EV enthusiasts alike. This is to say nothing of the catastrophic knock Tesla has taken on its reputation as an automaker because of it.

But look, I don’t think this Halo Cybertruck wrap is too bad at all. I will give the owner that much. The colours are nice, and the decals are well-placed. The car’s otherwise hideous dimensions feel appropriately polygonal for a video game-themed car. It appears the wrap was made by California-based garage SSCustoms.

Of course, the video game Warthog likely steers better and breaks down less. It’s definitely a more reliable off-roader. It also has a turret mounted on the back, which this Cybertruck clearly lacks.

Thus, I think we can all agree that the video game version remains superior.

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