heroes of the storm

  • These ‘WTF Moments’ From HOTS Are A Laugh

    I only just started watching the ‘WTF Moments’ channel on Youtube for Heroes of the Storm (crazy, right, since I’m pretty much obsessed with the game), and it’s legit hilarious. I can’t say what it’d be like watching as someone who doesn’t know the game, but every episode gives me a big laugh out loud…

  • Heroes Of The Storm’s Stale Meta Is Driving Top Players Away

    Two months ago, Heroes of the Storm introduced possibly the biggest change it’s ever undergone, outside of the alpha. And while the community has almost universally seen this as a positive change, it’s had unforeseen side effects which haven’t been addressed — and it’s enough for more than one prominent player to take a break.

  • The Best Heroes To Rank Up With In Heroes Of The Storm

    Like many competitive games, Heroes of the Storm’s professional gaming meta is very different to the play us mere mortals can produce. And like those other competitive games, HOTS still has people watching pro streams and then badgering others for not doing what the elite do, not realising it won’t work at their lower rank.…