
  • Community Review: Homefront

    This is my 10 word review of Homefront: “It talks the talk, but it doesn’t walk the walk”. That’s my two cents – but what do you think of THQ’s latest effort?

  • A Reality In Which I’m A Terrorist

    In a slightly different reality Japan is a vassal state to the Greater Republic of Korea, much of the United States has become the New Korean Federation of Occupied America and I’m the shadowy figurehead of a seditious and violent anti-Korean movement.

  • Homefront On The Range

    At its core you could argue that Homefront, despite its aspirations, is simply another shooter. With the controller plunked in my hands it took all of five seconds for me to get orientated – not just with the controls, but with the mechanics, the structure – thankfully the manner in which Kaos Studios attempt to…