pc stuff

  • Prototype Exclusive Preview: Meet the Black Watch

    You may remember in early December, Vivendi sent us a nifty-looking email to promote a press event for the publisher’s recently announced title Prototype. That event was held today. Prototype is being developed by Radical Entertainment, based in Vancouver, Canada. The company’s previous efforts include Scarface and The Incredible Hulk, so the open world nature…

  • Pros and Cons of WoW Powerlevelling, Part 3

    In case you missed them… Pros and Cons of WoW Powerlevelling, Part 1 Pros and Cons of WoW Powerlevelling, Part 2 Here it is, the last chunk of our epic powerlevelling story. I’ve been assured by the anonymous writer who sent this mammoth literary extravaganza in that everything is true. Well, no need for me…