Finding Yeezus Is A 6-Part Deep Dive Into Kanye Quest 3030, The Weirdest RPG You Never Played

Finding Yeezus Is A 6-Part Deep Dive Into Kanye Quest 3030, The Weirdest RPG You Never Played

Do you guys remember Kanye Quest 3030, the silly little RPG Maker game where you play Kanye West that was ultimately purported to be a cult recruitment tool? What if I told you that some of Australia’s goofiest guys are making a web series about it? Enter Finding Yeezus.

If you’ve never listened to Alexei Toliopoulos and Cameron James’ podcasts Finding Drago and Finding Desperado, I highly recommend giving them a go. They’re both very fascinating and very silly investigations into a bizarre book about the Rocky film franchise and a questionable Guinness World Record.

If you have listened to them, you’ll be pleased to hear that the good boys are back with a brand new series and this time you can not only hear it with your ears, but also watch it with your eyes!

Alexei and Cameron, in collaboration with the Aunty Donna boys and web-series publisher Grouse House, have just released the first episode of their new six-part investigative series Finding Yeezus. In this series, the boys will be tumbling down the rabbit hole of Kanye Quest 3030 to figure out just what the frickin’ deal is about the cult stuff and the spooky scary business.

I asked the sweet boys themselves how they came across the mysterious RPG Maker title and Alexei explained:

I played the game back in the day with some friends! I completely forgot about it until Cameron came across the mystery of the secret level while we were on the hunt for a new mystery after finishing up Finding Desperado. There were lots of articles including a great one on Kotaku.

In the first episode, you can actually catch a glimpse of the article Alexei mentions, which was written by Patricia Hernandez back in 2015 about the secret level.

I also asked them why they decided to go for Kanye Quest 3030 for their next investigative series, to which Alexei said, “Urban legends around gaming are so enticing. They feel so present tense and contemporary. The mysteries feel alive rather than a relic of the past,” while Cameron said, “Gaming lets you live as someone else, and Kanye Quest takes that further by offering you immortality. It’s a hard offer to refuse.”

After watching the first episode of Finding Yeezus, I’ve gotta say that I am absolutely hooked. Alexei and Cameron are just so effortlessly funny while also being very dedicated in their deep dive, and the multiple Aunty Donna cameos that act as re-enactments are hilarious.

The first episode of Finding Yeezus is now available to watch below, and new episodes will be airing every Monday at 9:00 a.m. AEST on the Grouse House YouTube channel.


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