this week in games

  • This Week In Games: Path to Bermuda

    This Week In Games: Path to Bermuda

    Path of Exile is still to this day one of the most incredible games — and ongoing projects — from the Australia/New Zealand region. And to help kick January and hopefully 2021 along a little, it’s getting a new expansion this week. Echoes of the Atlas drops later this week, with the Kiwi developers revealing that devs…

  • This Week In Games: Twin Mirror Rising

    This Week In Games: Twin Mirror Rising

    The last crop of pre-Christmas next-gen titles — or at least all the ones that aren’t dodging Cyberpunk 2077 — drops this week. And there’s a nice variety in what’s available, starting with what everyone’s calling Ubisoft’s Breath of the Wild, Immortals Feynx Rising.