community kudos

  • Community Kudos

    [imgclear] Friday. Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday. This means it is very close to what we humans call ‘the weekend’. This also means it’s time for Community Kudos.

  • Community Kudos

    [imgclear]So ends the first week in my reign of terror over Kotaku AU. Has it been a good week for you, Kotakuers? I hope so – and if not, perhaps some good ol’ fashioned internet back-patting will help. Oh yeah, and prizes. I forgot prizes.

  • Community Kudos

    [imgclear] Oh man. These weeks are going too fast. I am bricking it. The faster these weekends come, the closer my wife is to giving birth. This fact is terrifying. Welcome to the end of the working week and another Community Kudos. [Shudder]